Coronavirus Testing – Explained

I’ve been asked lately a lot of questions around COVID-19 testing. I know a lot of the information out there can be confusing – let me attempt to explain what the currently available tests are and what their results mean.   Plus, we’re excited as a...

Pray for Florida

As we anticipated earlier, we will likely not experience a ‘second wave’ of Covid-19 infections.  Unfortunately, the reason why is that the first wave never went away.  Numbers are beginning to approach the early April numbers when social...


Just a quick blurb today on an article that is in preprint and will come out shortly.  This is taken from the Johns Hopkins Covid site I had referenced before.  It is a good source of daily information on pandemic numbers and latest research. ANTIBODY...


I’d like to start by expanding on a theme from my last missive.   I believe a vaccine is too risky given the dual pressures of needing to have it today and the complexity of getting something safe to market.  Developing safe treatments on the road to herd...


I hope you all were able to nerd out on yesterdays message because today’s may be a bit worse but it is getting us to the science we all need to understand regarding a Covid-19 vaccine.   We discussed how presenting the human immune system with the...